MYP 10
Unit 8 - Food for thought
- Acids and bases
- pH scale
- Indicators
- Neutralisation
- Food preservation and spoiling
- Germ theory
- Polymers, natural and artificial packaging
- The structure of DNA
- Genetically modified organisms
Skills and understanding
- Draw a structural representation of DNA
- Evaluate the use of GMOs
- Define acids and bases
Unit 8 - Physical Science Extension
- Hydrogen ion concentration in acids and pH
- Acid-base titration
- Neutralisation of stomach acidity - antacids
- Analysis of vinegar
- Oxidative rancidity
- Insulating materials and energy loss
Unit 8 - Life Science Extension
- Hydrogen ion concentration in acids and pH
- Acid-base titration
- Neutralisation of stomach acidity - antacids
- Mendel / Genetics
- Protein synthesis (central dogma)
- Sickle cell anemia
- Dragon genetics
- Making plastic from starch?
- Yeast suspension experiment as fermentation (Making cider)