MYP 10
Unit 10 - Origins
- The structure of the universe
- Structure of the Earth
- Gravity, the Sun and Moon
- The origins of life
- Asexual and sexual reproduction
- Male and female sex organs
- Animal reproductive cycles
- Population and over-population
- Contraception
Skills and understanding
- Describe the structure of the solar system
- Label the male and female sex organs
- Understand contraception
Unit 10 - Physical Science Extension
- The expanding universe - Doppler, black holes.
- The nature of stars
- Circular and elliptical motion
- Kepler's laws
- The structure of the earth
- Seismology, volcanos and earthquakes
- Classification of rocks
- The lime cycle
- Crystallisation
Unit 10 - Life Science Extension
- The lime cycle
- Crystallisation
- Stem cells
- Milley-Urey
- Spontaneous generation, Pasteur
- Menstrual cycle hormones
- Sexually transmitted diseases - pathogens
- Carrying capacity /limiting factors / Kiabab deer
- Limiting resources from our natural world - lithium